It's a gloomy sunday afternoon and I'm rotting to death without you.
It's a gloomy sunday afternooon
and I'm rotting to death without you
2:30 AM, NEW ANIME!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

hey guys....Watching a new anime...called
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
A Certain Scientific Railgun
The anime is actually a side story of the main storyline
Toaru Majutsu no Index
A Certain Magic Index
And is about the adventures of 4 Girls in Academy City....
I rate it... 5/5 WOOTS!!!!
Yeah...Seriously..Its nice!!!
Watch it then you'll understand
Heres the first episode of the 24 episodes...
Genre: Shonen,Supernatural,Fantasy,Comedy,School

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

11:44 PM, Caramelldansen!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010

lols...caramelldansen...Hahas! idk u guys got heard it before but i'll just post some

Pikachu Kawaii Edition

Bleach Edition

Random Anime Caramelldansen

8:36 AM, Haizzzz

Great....I hate it.....
Why must it happen to me only....
Hate this feeling....
I just wanna ask...What the hell is wrong with my life??
Haizzz....I will just have to find that answer myself...
No one understands me...That's it
Haizzz....It's not i wanted it to happen...It just happened...
Now it cant be undone...reversed...
Wished this would not happened....
If you guys everytime see me being happy and're wrong....
I may look happy....but everything is hidden inside.....
I'm just putting on a fake smile so that you guys would'nt worry....
But even sometimes I can't hide it...
Truth is....I'm dying inside.....
What will happen if i'm gone??
Will the world be better...Will your life be better?
I'm just a obstruction in your life....
Well....It doesn't matter to me anymore....
I don't give a damn about it anymore....

6:51 AM, Music....

Lols...Came up with a stupid decision...I Wanna Learn Music...Lols
Piano to be exact...
Hahas! I don't even have a piano in my house....Wanna go buy one...But too expensive....
Still....I have to go for Piano Lessons....
Wanna find a part time job soon.....haizzz....
Maybe can go for cheaper alternatives....Like Violin....
But I really wanna play the piano.....Lols.....
Hope i can learn ba.....My Family only i'm interested in learning music...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Konbanwa Readers~
That means Good Evening...or good night -.-
HAhahas!! Nvm... lols :P
Anyway...Today have 3 TESTS SIA!!! -.-
First was music test...Had to play guitar...Got A!!!! Woots!!!
Next wuz maths common test 4...Uber sian luh!!!
Luckily this time i got remember the formulas :)
But still...Confirm fail de...haizzzz...
Then after school have Oral Exam...English...AHHHH!!!!!
Lols...The passage was about some old lady...old folks home and a machine..Hahas!
Then picture was pretty much the same as the passage....
1st Qns:What Exercise do you do?
2nd Qns:Do you think the society is responsible for the people in the old folks home(Or something like that)
Hahas!! Abit dunno la....O.O
Then the worst part is that my examiner talk very unclear....
1 Question she say i have to ask her repeat 3TIMES SIA!!!!
LOLS!!!!Hope i dun get deduct mark...-.-
Ok larh....GTG le...Wish everyone a HAPPY MOONCAKE FESTIVAL DAY!!! (:

7:19 AM, BLOGSKIN!!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Changed blogskin!!!
Gonna do a quick one....
Today sooo funny!!!
Wanna intro Nicholas to Jia Ning at Vice Versa
In the end they met...LOL
Got some CIP thing..1Hour WOOT!!!!
Hahas!!! Can give out Sticky sia..I WAN!!!!!!
zzzz -.- must give public....
Thenwent AMK Hub with Jianing and her friend...So Fun la....
Ok..shall stop here..Bye!!!
and Jianing and Nicholas..feel free to comment ^^

1:40 AM, Craft&Aesthetics Day
Friday, September 17, 2010

ZZZ sia....Craft and aesthetics day....Spent the night printing so much things!!!!
Wasted 4 liters of ink!!! -.-
Anyway..Its Craft and Aesthetics Day
What we have been doing for the 9 months will be put up today!!
Subjects include:
Design And Technology
Home Economics
Project Work    
Morning went to talk to group members about the restaurant layout...
Then was Chinese....HAVE TO DO PAPER 2 SIA!!!!SO HARD!!!!
Lols....Cat wait for after Project Work...Managed to skip the lesson to help get laptop ^.^
Then went to prepare the restaurant sia...Damn Kan Chiong Sia!!!!
I running all around the school lor.....have break i run all the way to Valuedollar just to buy battery for the     centerpiece!!!Sweating all over
Then it was presenting time!!!I'm running all around the sch again...Have to find Mr Yeo for the laptop!!!
Then in the end found him...BUT I LOST MY THUMBDRIVE!!!!AHHHHHHHH!!!!
Nvm...lucky Nevin got extra copy...Phew~
Then do presentation fun!!!
After that got music performance....have to play Greensleeves
Then after that went to clean up....then went to canteen drink with Wilson and Brandon Boey
Hahas!! Then went to find Jia Ning at Rivervale Plaza
Talked alot!!!Then talked about her stuff....
Then went home.....So Fun la today....but tiring O.O

5:33 AM, September Holidays ^^
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Konnichiwa Readers! Today gonna talk about the September Holidays ^^
Nth special except on THURSDAY!!!!
Went out with Jianing to Compass Point
At home so bored~~
So asked her to pei me go Compass ^^
Met her at 7-11 Outside...
Then first went to Comics Connection....
She looking for he manga...I also...But cannot find >.<
Then next we went to a gift shop
JiaNing was looking for a  Gift card..
Lol...then help her find...fianlly found it
Then next we went to Action City
Saw alot of fun and cool stuff ^^
Then after that went to Mini Toons..
Bought a carabiner..Then saw some people playing with a rubber chicken...
Then Jianing was laughing like mad...
Then after that she go squeeze it..LOL!!!!!
The sound very loud!!!
Hahas..Then after that went to KFC to eat...
Talked about alot of things...INCLUDING MY LIT TEACHER!!!HAHA!!!
LOL....I tell her le she laugh like..LOL
Then after that went to slack at 2nd Floor...
Talked about alot of things....KPOP,Anime..Haha!
Then after that Jianing have to go le....
Went to wait with her for the bus...Then talked about her teacher too...^^
LOL...SO Funny la!!!
Ok..Have to go le.....
Anyway Jianing Hope to see you at the AFA 2010 ^^
Ok la Usui Takumi also ^^

7:16 AM, FUNNY!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lol this is a funny video...Shared to me from Koh JiaNing
Thanks for sharing!!!


7:07 PM, Lol
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lols...Im so BORRRREEED!!!
Doing lame things now....
Like watching Avatar:The Last Airbender...LOLs
Seriously.....So bored right now.....I wan go watch movie or go for a outing....
Lol....Not sure if anyone wanna go with me....
Anyway...Would like to thank Nicholas Seah
Thanks for helping me.....
Lols....Was so fun talking to Jianing..Hahas....
Talked about alot of stuff...O.O
And Jianing......Jian Qing Likes You!!!!
LOLS...Dun come hitting me after this ok??
Wished that we were still in Primary School.....
I find that primary school is much better.....
Friends...Teachers...Homework...Everyday was so fun....
But now....Haizzz.....
But not everything about secondary school life is bad.....
Some are actually good.....
But...some are not....
Wished I could return to primary school life.....
Haizzz.........If only.........Haizzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

5:41 AM, .....
Friday, September 3, 2010

I just realized that my life is damn f*cked up......
My life is just full of problems......Why cant anyone realise that.....
Everytime 1 problem ends,Another will appear....
Whats up with my life anyway???
Im tired of my life...but i just cant seem to end it...
I know some of you guys understand me...but that wont solve my problem...
Whenever i need someone to talk to,they wont be there......
If only i have a good friend that i could share my problems to,Maybe i would have been happier.......
Maybe god wants me to be this way.....The person with many problems........
Maybe if i had never lived......Maybe they would be happier..........
My life is futile....It wont do anything good to anyone..........
Im sorry if i had let you down......Im sorry if i had disrupted you......Im sorry to be in your life........
But whatever i had said.......Would you accept it?......I guess not................